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The Department of CTF is the reference structure for 3 degree courses, 2 five-year single-cycle courses, CTF and Pharmacy (LM13), and a three-year course in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (SFA L-29). In addition, the teaching staff of the Department is also involved in the following two three-years degree courses (L-02): a) Biotechnology and b)Bioinformatics, the latter in English, and in the master's degree course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (LM-09).

In the Department are held three Level II Masters in Pharmaceutical Industrial Methods; Galenic Master Preparations for Human and Veterinary Use and Radiopharmaceutical Science and Technology (60 CFU each).

Two specialization schools, also refer to the DCTF: Hospital Pharmacy (four years, 240 CFU) and one non-medical area in Evaluation and Management of Chemical Risk (two years, 120 CFU). Both the Masters and Postgraduate Schools offer highly specialized teaching at about 70/80 graduates a year, with the close collaboration with small, medium and large enterprises, hospitals, public and private bodies, such as CNR, ISS, INAIL, IRCCS and ENI.

The Department has a Ph.D. program in Pharmaceutical Sciences and is also held the Professional Practice Exam for Pharmacists; two sessions per year for a total of about 250 students. From the 2016/17 academic year, it is organized an advanced training course in Preparation for this exam with the participationof around 80 people/year.

Among the 61 components of the teaching staff of the DCTF, 26 are involved in teaching activities in the CdL in CTF and represent 52% of the total teaching staff; 28 at the CdL in Pharmacy (41%), 17 in the three-year CdL in SFA (37%), 6 in the Biotechnology (16%), 3 in the CdL in Bioinformatics (18%), and finally 6 for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ( 30%).

With three channels of Pharmacy, two of CTF and SFA, the teachers of the DCTF are engaged in teaching activities for a number of students around 700/year to demonstrate the teaching commitment of the Department within the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine: the DCTF welcomes about 25% of the annual enrollments of the entire Faculty, despite the total number of teachers being only 12% of the total of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine.