Top-level heading

Third Mission and Local Activities

Beside the first and second mission focused on the “research” and “formation” the DCTF promotes the realization of a link between the scientific knowledge deriving from their research activities and the society (third mission), this can be achieved through the following actions:

a) production of patents and related management of intellectual property rights;

b) carrying out research and / or consulting activities on behalf of third parties;

c) collaboration agreements and national and international research projects.

The Department promotes new relationships with public and private institutions and at the same time consolidating the existing ones. Thanks to the networking action undertaken, the peculiar multidisciplinary skills characterizing the Department several collaborations, have been shared with National and International small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public and private institutions, for the resolution of complex problems in several fields of research.

The know-how acquired allowed the Department to be considered a valuable partner in topics of public interest, as in the field of environmental health and ecotoxicology. The national and international patent activity of the Department has important socio-economic consequence following the transfer of intellectual property and subsequent exploitation by companies (Regis Technologies, Astec, Supelco, Sigma-Aldrich, Merck). The Department is a promoter and hosts university spin-offs (Molirom s.r.l.) and innovative start-ups (Alchemical Dynamics s.r.l.) financed by private individuals.

To the aim of consolidated and improving research quality in the Department, we will continue to pursue the following strategic actions:

- the strengthening of synergies between Department components in a logic of integration and enhancement of skills through actions such as the organization of the three-year Workshop on Departmental Research b(the last organized on July 2018);

- the promotion of research activities to increase publications and patents produced and consolidate and enhance the acquired intellectual property assets;

- the consolidation of the Department as an incubator of scientific knowledge capable of fostering collaborations with Italian and / or foreign SMEs and research centers through the establishment of university spin-offs;

- the support for the signing of collaboration agreements with regional and national SMEs.

The success of these actions will allow the sharing of knowledge and technologies among the Department and SMEs, boosting the realization of competitive products and services.