Top-level heading


The research focus of the Department is mainly aimed at maintaining and improving people’s wellness by pursuing the following strategies:
(1) identification, design, synthesis, optimization and formulation of new lead compounds;
(2) study of the relationships between food and health.
The high level of the research carried out in the DCTF is well documented by the number of innovative studies which have been published in eminent international peer-reviewed journals, and this is due, among others, to the high-level instrumentation available to the Department.
The Department has also easy access to facilities which belongs to the University, for example the laboratories of the Sapienza Saperi&Co project (where technological innovations such as the 3D printing are available), the Nutraceutic and Nutragenomic laboratory, the Nano Science and Nano Technologies laboratory, the Center for Life Nano Science CLNS@Sapienza (which is part of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT) and state-of-the-art instrumentation provided by the University funds for large equipment such as the multifunctional platform SAXS/GISAXS/WAXS, an environmental scanning electron microscope, a number of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) devices.
To the DCTF belong research groups that have achieved noteworthy reputation in different research fields, which are described at the page "Research groups"

Research product catalog; (on IRIS - Sapienza)