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Council of Department

The Department Council consists of:
- Tenured professors
- Researchers, including fixed-term researchers and equivalent personnel
- Delegated administrative officer (R.A.D.), who serves as the secretary of record
- Representatives of:
     - Technical administrative staff
     - Students, Doctoral students, Postgraduate students.
     -Students enrolled in master's degrees pertaining to the Department's major
     - Holders of scholarship -research grant -multi-year research contract, working in the Department.
Those elected serve for a two-year term.

The Representatives in office are as follows:

   T.A.B. staff: De Prosperis E., Etna A., Manganini P., Masotti M., Piva S., Recaldin S., Taroni I., Testa V., Zamboni L.
   Students: Vallini F.
   Scholarship-contract holders: Cianfoni G., Forte J., Tammaro C.

Among its main powers, the Council elects the Director of the Department, dictates the general criteria for the use of funds allocated to the Department for research, approve an annual plan for the development of research of interest to the Department, formulates requests for tenure-track faculty and researcher positions, expresses opinions regarding Contract Professors, approves proposals for the establishment of doctoral programs pertaining to the Department, makes proposals and resolves its adherence to the establishment of Centers: Research, Research and Service, Inter-University and Service; expresses opinions, at the request of the Academic Senate, about the proposal for the establishment of such Centers; , dictates the provisions for the operation, according to the regulations of the University, of the organizational structures of the library and services including for teaching activities belonging to the Department, and makes available the necessary resources; expresses opinions and makes proposals to the Faculty Council with regard to the planning and experimentation of teaching activities; deliberates on applications for affiliation to the Department by faculty members; approves the budget and final accounts in accordance with the provisions of the University Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting; collaborates with the governing bodies of the University and with the National Planning Bodies.